Research Journal 3


Me: Boolin, how’s it going ?

Past Me: Stressed AF !! Can’t figure out exactly where I wanna go with my topic like I don’t know, I’m afraid that I’m not gonna have any good ideas and that I won’t have enough to write about.

Me: Well don’t worry, you’re going to die before the paper is even due.

Past Me: WAIT WHAT?!

Me: I’m only kidding, do you believe EVERYTHING you see online?? Well, I can’t really blame you. That’s one of the things you’ll learn once you get deep into your research. You can’t trust everything you see online. Now, would you like some good ideas or nah ?

Past Me: Yas

Me: Alright, take notes. Basically you’re going to learn a lot about the connection between social media and mental illness, specifically depression. You’re gonna find a plethora of articles online that will really get the gears turning in your noggin. You will also find out what the word “plethora” means. The most commonly cause of depression due to social media was because of the term called “body dysmorphia.” It basically means that when someone spends too much time on the internet, looking at all these other people and their lifestyles, they can begin to get self-conscious about how they look and start to see themselves as something they’re not, which leads to depression. You with me so far ?

Past Me: Yes

Me: Good. Now onto the example I used above when I had you believe you were going to die. People post things all the time about themselves that aren’t even true. They exaggerate and only show people what they want them to see. You can pick and choose what you want people to see you as which in a way is very deceiving. You easily believed that what I said was true, but why ? Because if it’s online, people have this pre-conceived idea that it must be true. This is the part where it gets crazy. People have false identities and personas online and other people see it, start doubting themselves and envying the other person and become self-conscious because someone decided to lie on the internet and make their life seem better than it is. Then they realize that and get in their feelings and it’s just a huge mess, you see? It’s just a never-ending cycle. Through your research you’ll discover more issues that relate the two and it will become more clear to you.

Past Me: Damn, that’s brazy !! You sound so smart. I like what you did with our hair btw, the highlights really make your curls stand out.

Me: Good looks, you’ll get them end of February. Andres is gonna do a great job. Anyways, hope this helped with the stress somewhat, if you need anything, hmu.

Past Me: Dope

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